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  • Co-Applicant

    By Jacquelyn Butler - 02.03.25 1

    How do I add a co-applicant to an account?

  • Lexi L


    Hi Jacquelyn!

    To add a co-applicant or co-signer to your lease agreement, you have a couple of options, depending on whether you prefer a single document or separate ones.

    Option 1: One Document

    1. Start by creating your lease agreement in your lease profile.
    2. In the ‘People on the Lease’ section, add your tenant’s details and make sure your information as the landlord is correct.
    3. When asked if there are any additional signers, select ‘Yes’ and enter the co-signer’s name and email.
    4. Add the Co-Signer Agreement Form as an attachment in the ‘Provisions and Attachments’ section.
    5. Complete the lease, set up e-signatures, and send the document to all parties for signing.

    Option 2: Two Documents

    1. Create the lease with just the tenant and send it for their signature.
    2. After the tenant signs, send the co-signer agreement separately for both the co-signer and landlord to sign.

    Don’t hesitate to reach out with additional questions!

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