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  • Tenant never pays on time

    By Anonymous - 11.08.24 3

    Had a great tenant for 4 years. I got spoiled.

    How do you deal with clear lies about payment timing? First his checks bounced so I moved online to avoid. Now he keeps saying he paid, but didn’t then pays actually several days later. I’ve used Venmo, I know that’s not how it works.

    Do you call them on it? Like, what do I do here? He’s avoided late fees successfully the last two times because I thought it was coming…

  • Anonymous


    Issues with payment are the worst! Glad it worked out for four years, but I know how big a hassle it can be to do this dance every month.

    Venmo is super convenient, but it’s not awesome for rent payments. I wrote a blog on the issues with Venmo, Zelle, and other similar payment apps.

    TurboTenant’s rent collection features are built to avoid a lot of the headaches you’re describing. You can set due dates, automated late fees, and your tenant can automate their payments so no one has to rely on their memory each month. Better yet, we send out rent receipts so you both know the rent was paid!

  • Anonymous


    I would follow the terms of the lease. I would charge the late fees and demand payment. I use turbo tenant and I do not allow partial payments. I would also send him a written notice reminding of the due date and letting him know payment will be due along with late charges to prevent further actions.

  • Anonymous


    I have a tenant that does the same what I did was setup the automatic late charge as per my lease agreement and set it where they can’t make partial payments or payments without addressing the full balance. Mine always pay it before the grace period but I’d say don’t even listen to excuses follow your lease after grace period set the autolate charge through turbo tenant, if they don’t pay by then follow your eviction process.

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