New Statements from the White House about Landlord Laws

Key Takeaways

  • Reaffirmation of Best Practices: The discussion reassured landlords that the White House’s statement primarily reaffirms existing best practices rather than introducing substantial new regulations. It emphasizes the importance of procedural fairness and accuracy in tenant screening.
  • Legislative Process and Minimal Immediate Impact: Krista highlighted that the statement’s proposals must undergo a legislative process before becoming law, indicating that the immediate impact on landlords is minimal. However, the potential changes could streamline some aspects of landlord-tenant interactions in the future.
  • Ongoing Updates and Community Engagement: Krista encouraged landlords to stay informed about legislative developments through TurboTenant’s channels, emphasizing the platform’s commitment to keeping the rental community updated on changes that could affect their operations.


Accuracy in Tenant Screening Reports

  • Emphasis on the necessity for accuracy in tenant screening processes, a universal requirement for landlords. The discussion highlighted the critical nature of these reports in evaluating potential tenants and the importance of landlords issuing an adverse notice if an application is denied based on these reports, a process supported by TurboTenant.

Standardizing Eviction Timelines for Section 8 Tenants

  • The proposed standardization of a minimum 30-day eviction notice for Section 8 tenants, aiming to provide tenants sufficient time to resolve issues like unpaid rent and potentially avoid eviction. This change reflects a move towards more tenant-friendly policies without drastically altering the landlord’s operational practices.

Funding for Tenant Outreach and Education

  • The allocation of $10 million towards tenant education and outreach to improve landlord-tenant relationships, particularly benefiting those in publicly funded affordable housing programs. This funding is intended to ensure that tenants are well-informed and empowered.


The webinar provided clarity and reassurance to landlords about the recent White House statement, outlining its minimal immediate impact while underscoring the importance of staying informed about future legislative developments. The discussion served as a reminder of the ongoing need for accuracy and fairness in the rental industry, especially concerning tenant rights and eviction processes.